Monday, December 14, 2009

Hermaphrodite and my views about it.

It's hard to say when a 'woman',usually before this is a guy given by the name Muhd Fazdil Min bahari who eventually turns out tyo become a woman by citing that "I didn't do anything wrong.I am just being in the wrong body,that's it".
referring to this situation....
I've got a question which bears in mind....
Is Fatine a.k.a Fazdil a hermaphrodite or a transvertite??
In terms of legal perspective,same sex marriage is illegal in Malaysia.
this person (maybe I should refer this person as 'her' according to the current gender) cannot registered her marriage in Malaysia's court because when she left Malaysia a few years ago, she was registered in Malaysia as a'man'.
In terms of religoius perspective,she has committed a sin that is very serious and can cause a slight catatstrophe in the muslim world as she claims that she is still a muslim no matter what.
I'm no trying to be pious here but what the F**K is this?
I just dont get it.Maybe i'm not that liberal enough to be exposed to modern phenomenon..


  1. ini memang bakal lawyer gaji 20k bini
    dan 60k suami nieh
    kalau camnilah blognya.

  2. hehe,thank you people for the compliments..
